HEALY is a colloquial word for inferior quality. An unhealthful, unpleasant, or of substandard value. In other words, trash. In some other contexts, ‘healy’ can be used instead of ‘trash’. I recently read an article in which the author used the term ‘healy’, and I guess you could say she was giving it a new definition.
The dictionary definition of healty is: To treat badly. In a business context, a corporation would be said to have a ‘well-being’ agenda. Health, safety, and cleanliness are part of the agenda of the health, safety, and cleanliness departments of large corporations. So they’re not talking about a person being overly healty. They’re talking about how the management wants things done, regardless of how they’re done.
Now then, maybe you don’t want to call your accountant healty. Maybe you call him accountant. But think about what healty means to you. To you, as a buyer or seller, it means the item itself is of inferior value. It’s a term I use to describe sellers who demand less from their vendors than what’s fair and reasonable. It’s not uncommon for sellers to threaten litigation if the price is not reached in a certain amount of time.
The problem is this: Most people interpret healty claims in legal terms as a right. In other words, they view it as something you’re entitled to. That’s just not the case. As a matter of fact, even if a seller believes he has a right to less, it’s usually not a right that he can actually enforce in a court of law.
So, in essence, healty is an allegation. You make a claim, and if the other party disproves it, then you lose your basis for that attack on his or her character. On the other hand, a judge reviewing a dispute would likely side with the party who is more likely to be justified in its claims. So, you should be careful about using healty as a basis for causing you to pay less. Better value comes from the fact that both parties met all the legally defined parameters under the contract. If there is one discrepancy, that’s it, and that’s where the payment needs to stop.
In any event, you need to determine what the proper price is. How do you do this? You look at the contract and analyze it. Then, you look at the market and compare what was asked for and what was given. Hopefully, you’ll come up with a better value for your home.