Blogger is an American social media management platform that allows multiple user blogs with customizable time-stamp entries. Pyra Labs created it first before being purchased by Google in 2021. Google hosts the blogs, which are accessible through a separate subdomain of blogspot. To post to Blogger, you first need to create an account. Once the account is created, you are able to login and manage your own blog. There is a blog manager on the front page which allows you to manage not only your own blogs but also any other user’s blogs as well.
Blogger is a great way to organize your blog left-hand column to the most popular, recent posts. The ” Archives” tab on the top right corner of the blog manager allows you to go back to your older posts. This archive function is great when you want to check out something interesting you did not get to read about in the blog, but it would take too much time to try and search for that.
Another great feature of blogger that helps you get started more quickly is the panel called the “What You See is What You Get Started” (WYSIWYG) tab. This panel makes it easier to navigate to your most popular categories without having to drill down to search functions. If you are using a free version of blogger, you will get started with the default themes. You can always activate certain advanced features in the future if you choose to upgrade to the premium version.
A blogger site is a great way to start creating a professional blog. It has a great visual appeal and you are given several different color schemes to choose from. The color scheme is very important because it makes the blog look more like a website rather than just a blog. There are also other features such as custom backgrounds, plug-ins for SEO, an option to download WordPress and many more. There are free blogging platforms such as WordPress and MySpace and a paid version that has several different payment options including a yearly plan. Most bloggers prefer the paid version because they have better support and there are more features.
Blogger’s sidebar is very nice when you have multiple blogs stored in one area. You can switch between them by tapping on one of the icons and you can have multiple sidebar themes. Blogger even lets you save images and videos on their platform so you can easily move all your content from your blog to your MySpace, Facebook and other blogs. With these extra features, you can even blog via a mobile phone. Blogger also offers a blog builder that allows you to build your own blog and it is totally free.
The best part about using a blog builder is that you only have to do the initial setting up and once that is done, you can let the generator help you create unlimited number of blogs. You can also have the opportunity to try out a variety of themes and then use the ones that you like the most. Another option that you have is to use a WordPress theme which can change the look and feel of your site. If you’re serious about using blogger, you should definitely consider a theme.